All of our training programs can be customized to fit the context of the business or organization.

Training can be used for personal or professional development. Those who attend the training will receive a certificate upon completion.

All training programs are evidence-based, community, and lived experience informed. They are anti-oppressive, strength-based, and prioritizes the Disability Community’s autonomy and access needs.

Through training and engagement, Disabled people and people without disabilities will learn about the intricacies of how to collaborate and provide proactive solutions and support to create inclusive spaces that utilize the diverse skills and perspectives of all people.

Through gaining best practices of support, strength-based and anti-oppressive approaches, people will create a safe, comfortable, and memorable atmosphere for their clients, colleagues, employees, customers, and volunteers.

Connecting with Disabled people and creating an inclusive business or organization that engages the broader population promotes an increase in diverse skilled employees, work productivity, profits, and overall satisfaction.

Training Programs

Workplace Inclusion for Social Enrichment (WISE)- Available

8-Hour Training

WISE offers an opportunity for businesses and organizations to learn core competencies about best practices on accessibility and inclusion that fosters proactive solutions to ableism, oppression, barriers, and access needs.

WISE explores the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), the Employment Equity Act, and the Federal References Guide as a starting point for inclusion and awareness, and delves deeper into understanding the disability experience, how to support people with disabilities and proactively consider their autonomy.

WISE discusses the types of access needs, problem-solving of conflicting access needs, and exploring the business or organizations accessibility options or features. We expand these topics by addressing attitudinal barriers, the benefits to all people involved, and boundaries.

WISE identifies and provides potential strategies for working with, witnessing or experiencing ableism and internalized ableism in the environment.

Ableism, microaggressions, stereotyping, oppression, and barriers are often unintentional. However, being informed and proactive promotes social enrichment, confidence, integrity, and equitability within the workplace environment.

WISE redefines the concepts of worth, value, productivity, and professionalism.

Guide to Inclusive Language and Style (GILS) In Progress

3-Hour Training

GILS offers a comprehensive discussion and guide to strength-based and anti-oppressive language.

GILS creates an opportunity to deconstruct microaggressions, ableist terms, and learn alternative language to promote a safe and inclusive environment for all people.

GILS further explores the disability community’s language, style, and tone to understand the history, the culture, and the intersectional narratives that are destigmatizing, reclaiming, and reflecting on the disability experience.

Accessible Inclusive Media for Sociability (AIMS)- Waiting on Copyright

8-Hour Training

AIMS supports growth and learning in assistive technology and programs.

AIMS facilitates an active approach of addressing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This refers to WCAG 3.0, a broadly accepted set of accessibility guidelines for digital technology.

AIMS addresses the “how” component to proactively create barrier-free access to online content, Microsoft documents, portable document formats (PDF), closed captions, and many other programs.

AIMS expands on social media and website’s known accessibility features and provides guidance on creating an inclusive and sociable online presence.

AIMS eliminates or reduces communication and usability barriers identified by the disability community members.

Reducing barriers increases the ability to find information, increases exposure to broader populations, and increases network opportunities.

Planning Inclusive Events and Socials (PIES)- In Progress

3-Hour Training

PIES engages barrier-free and universal design concepts to create accessible and inclusive events, socials, conferences, meetings, presentations, and symposiums.

PIES includes information and support that does not assume access needs. Our proactive approach ensures accessibility throughout the entire process of planning, executing, and concluding the event or social.

PIES explains potential barriers, real-time solutions, consent, and appropriate interactions with Disabled people.

PIES expresses the importance of intersectionality, barrier-free and universal design, and the lived disability experience. Many resources and information often found do not consider Indigenous land acknowledgements, language use, and the maintenance of autonomy.

Lived Experience And Disability (LEAD)- In Progress

3-Hour Training

LEAD explores the valuable lived experiences of people with disabilities. The presenters or facilitators will share their personal and/or professional narrative to engage in an emotional and educational discussion about inclusion, accessibility, and disability.

LEAD shifts away from the stereotypical representation of disability, and demystifies disability concepts that capture the pride, pain, and empowerment that does not use an overcoming disability narrative.

LEAD approaches uncomfortable disability topics to actively and consciously dismantle misinformation, oppression, ableism, stereotypes, discrimination, and stigma.

LEAD expands on disability representation, the types of disabilities, supports, and interactions. The types of disability models: identity, medical, and social models. As well as, barriers to diagnosis, supports, and care.

LEAD will also encompass the fascination with “fixing” disabled bodies, the language of advocacy and activism, and the phenomenon of Inspiration Porn and unconscious biases.

Self And Community-Care Skills (SACS)- In Progress

3-Hour Training

SACS reflects on the benefits, importance, and complexity of self and community-care.

SACS explores themes of conflicting messages of self and community-care, such as being told to get self-care one minute and then seen as unproductive the next.

SACS offers strategies and support for implementing self or community-care in personal or professional contexts.

Resources for Interviewing and Community Engagement (RICE)- In Progress

3-Hour Training

RICE explains the process of engaging people from the Disability Community, and proactively plan accessibility access needs that facilitates success for everyone.

RICE offers strategies and support on inclusive marketing, recruiting, and interviewing people from the Disability Community.

RICE provides information on best-practices for accessible recruitment engagements such as career or job fairs, or hiring events.

Inclusive Designing for Educational Accessibility (IDEA)- In Progress

3-Hour Training

IDEA offers accessibility and inclusion support with learning or course management systems such SLATE, MOODLE, Microsoft Classroom, and Google Classroom.

IDEA provides information on universal design concepts with physical spaces, online, and educational planning.

IDEA enhances student autonomy through understanding assistive technology, alternative formats, and matching the learning styles of the students to engage every person in the learning process.

Medical Experience and Disability Support (MEDS)-  In Progress

3-Hour Training

MEDS offers a professional development opportunity for people in health and medical environments.

MEDS provides information on how to include the disability identity and autonomy in everyday practice.

MEDS reduces ableism, stereotypes, stigma, discrimination, and oppression by critically deconstructing the medical model and deficit lens.

MEDS expands on the barriers to accessing and providing medical, mental health, and pharmaceutical support. 

MEDS discusses how to proactively provide access needs, how to support conflicting access needs, how to manage potential biases, and engage with the community to provide every person with optimal front-line care.